Suppliers of fresh coffee, manual and automated coffee machine solutions for businesses throughout Australia.
Automated & Manual coffee machine solution for businesses Australia wide.

1300 882 874

Tony Macri

Tony has a long history in the specialty coffee industry. As a qualified Q-grader he has had the pleasure of tasting and judging some of the world’s most outstanding specialty coffee with some of the industry’s finest tasters, roasters, suppliers, baristas and everyone in between. One of the most beautiful things about the specialty coffee industry is the people involved – they are a truly genuine and giving bunch, and Tony is no exception. They are traits that he values and amplifies throughout every part of his business, both within HQ and at every event he attends.

Tony’s passion for coffee and knowledge has grown with the relationships built in the industry. Being exposed to so many different businesses and ideas and origins has only expanded his hunger for knowledge and his joy in sharing this knowledge with everyone he meets. He is the coffee dreamer of the business and loves to get excited about all things new and old – as long as it produces high quality, amazingly and deliciously sensory experiences.